CCRB - S2 - E27 - The Changeling - Oh, yeah. That's Why.

Episode 27 June 12, 2019 01:23:32
CCRB - S2 - E27 - The Changeling - Oh, yeah.  That's Why.
Candy-Coated Razor Blades
CCRB - S2 - E27 - The Changeling - Oh, yeah. That's Why.

Jun 12 2019 | 01:23:32


Show Notes

In which our heroes rediscover a... "classic"(?), find out that George C Scott is off-putting, wonder where you can get a lease on fine historic property, and why you shouldn't call your band director "Snuggles". Stupid inappropriate humor all occurring prior to the age of #metoo...

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